Where did I write that down?

December 18, 2022

Albert Einstein once said, “Order is for the stupid, only the genius rules the chaos”. But, if you are like me, jumping from one meeting to the next, you might lose track of where you have written down what.

As a result, you have to search through piles of documents to look for that particular piece of information. Anything really, but I think of email address, phone number, DOB, etc. Regardless of what you’re looking for, the search eats up lots of your valuable time.

To save you time for this search, I’ve created a handy command line tool (CLT) that will speed up the search significantly.

The CLT only needs a configuration file, a directory to search through, and a location where to write the results. You can find the CLT and its accompanying documentation here.

Let me know what you think of it.

Article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/where-did-i-write-down-percy-rotteveel

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